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Google Workspace Introduces Generative AI Capabilities to Aid Writing

Google Workspace is launching generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities for its users. This new experience will be offered to trusted testers throughout the year, and a public launch is expected in the near future.

Users can generate first drafts, summaries, and prioritize emails in Gmail; brainstorm, proofread, write, and rewrite in Docs; create auto-generated images, audio, and video in Slides; and utilize auto-completion, formula generation and contextual categorization in Sheets for data analysis. The capabilities will enable workflows for getting things done in Chat and Meet.

The first set of AI-powered features focuses on helping users write more easily. The generative AI in Docs and Gmail will generate drafts for users based on topics they want to write about, saving them time and effort. AI capabilities can also help users find the right tone and style for their writing and enable them to rewrite and refine their work. AI technology has progressed rapidly from simple image generation to complex text-to-image generation.

While AI capabilities will provide suggestions and assistance, Google argues they will not replace human creativity and ingenuity. The company designs its products according to Google’s AI Principles, which prioritize keeping users in control.

The updated experiences will launch this month through the trusted tester program, starting with English in the United States. Google plans to iterate and refine its capabilities before making them available to consumers, small businesses, enterprises, and educational institutions in more countries and languages.

Google Workspace is excited to transform creation and collaboration with generative AI capabilities, building on its previous innovation of co-authoring in Docs 17 years ago.

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